Cost calculator
of buying a property

Calculations provided by the calculator are indicative only and do not constitute an offer.

Price of real estate:
0,00 zł
Tax on civil law transactions
0,00 zł
Notary tax (notary fee)
2 610 zł
VAT on notarial tax (notary fee)
600,30 zł
Application to the Code of Civil Procedure
200 zł
VAT on the application to the WKW
46 zł
Cost of extracting the deed:
250 zł
Get in touch with us

KZ Nieruchomości Spółka Cywilna

M. Kittel-Zamojda i M. Zamojda

KZ Nieruchomości Spółka z o.o.

NIP: 764 271 26 80

KRS: 0001017178

ul. Kilińskiego 8,

64-920 Piła

We are open from Monday to Friday,
during hours 10:00 - 17:00

Office phone

+48 884 089 777
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